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Zelensky: "I’m not sure if Putin is still alive"


According to Professor Massimo Federico, a longtime scholar and scientific adviser to the Department of Hematology at the National Institute of Kyiv, the Russian leader would suffer from a disease that would also have neuropsychological problems and would manifest itself in a moon-shaped face, an effect many on the Kremlin tenants noticed. “The news of the disease is now in the public domain, as well as surrounded by oncologists, especially thyroid specialists,” emphasizes the expert

“The clinical picture of interest Wladimir Putin is most likely due to a syndrome cushinga disease that also causes problems neuropsychologicalincluding Insomnia, depression and memory loss, emotional lability“. The oncologist told AGI Maxim Frederick10 years Scientific Advisor to the Division of Hematology, National Institute of KyivProfessor and longtime scientist, as well internationally accredited

AN EVIL NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL NATURE – A hypothesis recently proposed by the scholarswhich he considers plausible given the obvious problems Putinand that would also give an answer to the times illness chat from which the Kremlin chief would suffer, especially from the point of view neuropsychological

THE CAUSE – But what is the cause of the syndrome of cushing? “The symptoms of psychiatric illness – explains Federico – come in beyond the half of the patients with Cushing’s syndrome of each etiology because they are caused by excess cortisol. It is very likely that the situation is it gets worse over timewith the tumor metastases to other organs and systems and with the appearance of more complications