Woman shoots terminally ill husband in hospital

Woman shoots terminally ill husband in hospital

Pleno.News 01/22/2023 11:22 am

hospital834157 1920Illustrative picture Photo: Stefan Schweihofer | Pixabay

A woman shot dead her husband Saturday at a Daytona Beach hospital where he was in terminal condition. After the crime, she locked herself in her room, according to police in this city on the east coast of Florida in the United States.

The woman was identified as 76yearold Ellen Gilland and the victim, 77yearold Jerry Gilland.

After entrenching themselves, police asked people not to go near the crime scene. The area of ​​AdventHealth Hospital where the woman was located has been evacuated.

Eventually she went to negotiations with the authorities. She claimed that her own husband, who had long suffered from the disease, planned his death with her.


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