With a beating heart in its place

With a beating heart in its place

Despite criticism in recent weeks, Société Radio-Canada states that the series With a pounding heart has its place in its television offering.

• Also read: Answer to Roy Dupuis: “No, violence is not a disease!”

Called to reply to a Open letter from Annick BrazeauPresident of the Regroupement des Maisons pour Femmes Victims de Violence Conjugale, Marc Pichette, First Director, Promotion and Public Relations, Radio-Canada, specifies that the series dealing with male violence is a fiction.

“A heartbeat is a fiction and not a documentary,” he said in an email exchange.

The president of the Regroupement des Maisons pour Femmes Victims de Violence Conjugale was reacting after a scene in Tuesday’s episode that ended with the suicide of an abusive spouse on the grounds of a shelter and shelter for women victims of domestic violence.

“What message does this program send to the victims, to their families? That taking refuge in a care and housing center leads to the suicide of the spouse? That abusive spouses can easily find the place where their spouse took refuge? That the security of the houses is fragile and consequently also that of the women and children living there? she mentioned in a letter published in Le Journal on Wednesday.

social theme

Marc Pichette thinks it’s too easy to judge the series for just one particularly dramatic scene.

“The series is about emotionally charged situations. It also prompts reflection on a social issue that cannot be ignored. And while that’s not their primary goal, it proves relevant in this regard. It has its place in Radio-Canada’s dramatic offering,” he said.