Why did Juan Jose Origel undergo EMERGENCY surgery Earth

Why did Juan José Origel undergo EMERGENCY surgery? Earth

John Joseph originthe famous show host has his fans in a thread with his soul because it was reported that he was transferred from Emergency to be in a hospital operated for a physical problem they know reason for what ‘cucumber“He was taken to a hospital as soon as possible for surgery.

The 74-year-old driver was operated This afternoon and the vulnerable health rumors haven’t stopped it says he’s vulnerable but it was the same Pickle original who revealed the reason for the intervention.

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Lately John Joseph origin Confirming his retirement from television, the presenter confirmed that he will say goodbye to the small screen in 2022, but now speculation about his health is heating up because he was operated from Emergency Without notice.

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For this reason, Pepillo Origel underwent emergency surgery

was himself John Joseph origin who told that reason why it operated from Emergencywhile making sure you are much better off than you were before you entered the hospital.

After you have achieved your professional goals, John Joseph origin He will move on away from the stage and with a more normal life as he hopes to reunite with his family and spend more time with loved ones.

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Pickle original confirmed he had surgery for a hernia in his back, it was the same driver who shared the photos from the hospital to reassure his fans who were worried about his health but it seems everything is already under control and the reason it won’t keep you away from the TV for long.