When Palmade taught us to wear a mask Insolentiae

When Palmade taught us to wear a mask… Insolentiae

Here, a few months ago, the system wanted to seek that great prize of virtue that was Pierre Palmade.

It’s difficult to judge a man without knowing exactly what his injuries are, his cracks, or his major weaknesses. On the other hand, what is certain is that if the “system” wants to teach me a lesson, not to say subject me to its learned propaganda, it would at least be desirable that it produce personalities of high moral values ​​and of great preservation.

“Old school” values ​​and behaviors, as Michel Onfray would say, that are sadly on the way out.

The chilling news story surrounding this artist reminds us all that a no-boundary society does no one any favours, and the problem is that half of this country’s ruling ‘dirt’ is under the influence of cocaine and other drugs …

All of this is as devastating to the victims as an unfathomable grief.


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