When French is no longer diversity

When French is no longer variety

I knew the time when there was a global struggle to preserve cultural diversity. Fearing that the globalization of trade will lead to an increase in cultural hegemony in the United States, several countries have developed mechanisms to protect cultural and linguistic diversity.

World leaders signed a cultural diversity convention in the early 2000s. No, not all cinema in the world should be American and in English. No, not all music in the world had to be American and in English. Culture should express the plurality of identities.

Quebec was particularly active in this movement. Of course, Hungarians and Finns are concerned about protecting their culture, but they are doing so on a continent where languages ​​and cultures are diverse. In the case of Quebec, the threat is more obvious: six million Francophones are surrounded.

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strong movement

The Quebec government, like our artistic community, saw an opportunity to be less isolated in a broad agreement on cultural diversity. Maintaining a culture expressed in French in Quebec was now part of the global goal of cultural diversity.

By this time it was clear that English was becoming an all-powerful language because of the numerical strength and power of the United States. English became the language of globalization and took on imperial status on the planet.

In Quebec, left-wing movements have played a leading role in promoting cultural diversity. The left, more critical of globalization, warned against the imperialism of the English language. She urged our elected officials to care about cultural diversity and to unite with other nations that value it.

Words fail me to describe the spin that took place in the left movements. The awakened stream turned everything upside down. The defense of French no longer seems to fit into a laudable attempt to avoid the hegemony of a single language and a single culture.

Welcome to 2022

Here’s what’s happening in 2022.

When the Quebec government tries to ensure the survival of French by requiring newcomers to work in French, French becomes the language of imperialism. It is French that is becoming that hegemonic language that is being forcefully imposed on poor minorities. The Canadian left denounces!

On the other hand, the requirement to speak French becomes an obstacle when the federal government appoints its adult civil servants. The Trudeau government decided to override knowledge of French when appointing the governor-general.

Mary Simon is aboriginal, that’s the kind of diversity Canada wants. She doesn’t speak French, too bad. In English Canada we dream of many other people from different backgrounds who don’t speak French. If we refuse to name them for that reason, what a setback!

In both examples, the new Canadian conclusion is: French is the enemy of diversity!

The world turned upside down.

Welcome to the Canada 2022 release.

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