What if blue collar workers retired at 55 TF1 INFO

What if blue collar workers retired at 55? TF1 INFO

The authors of this communication justify this project by emphasizing that it would be “legitimate for those who are most exhausted from work to benefit earlier from their right to a pension” while avoiding “a financial imbalance in our pension system”. They also point out that this would rebalance what is currently considered an unequal system. Because, according to them, “executives benefit from a long retirement, while workers and employees for many do not reach retirement age or only in poor health”.

This note cites figures from INSEE and is an effective reminder of the inequalities that exist between managers and workers. For example, a 35-year-old man is twice as likely to die before age 60 if he is a manual worker than if he is a manager. One in two employees does not live to be older than 80, in contrast to one in three managers.

Likewise, accidents at work are four times more common among white-collar workers than among managers and seven times more common among blue-collar workers than among managers. In addition, working-class seniors are more affected by unemployment than senior executives. So this reform would make it possible to take better account of the arduousness of a job, which the current government reform has yet to decide.