1676272915 we wont get along

we won’t get along

we wont get along

We’ll Get Along was canceled four days after its premiere because – it was said – of its low viewership was almost half the average of La 1, but RTVE doesn’t have to worry about viewership because it’s not funded by advertising, and because the public service does not have to be profitable (nor should it be ruinous) to exist. So I find it hard to believe that Ana Morgade’s Late Night disappeared from the grid just because nobody saw it.

Writers, filmmakers, editors, sound engineers, light artists, props, makeup artists, tailors, musicians, etc. start creating something that can go well or badly months before the premiere. During the preparation period, the team goes through a trial and error phase in which sections and employees are tested. The normal thing is that the chain’s producers are above (even very much) above what the subcontractor is doing. What I’m saying is that last Monday didn’t surprise her.

The problem, I suppose, is that Morgade’s program is very expensive. I don’t want to judge whether the money is well or badly invested. Programs should be allowed to run. I won’t go into whether or not Let’s get together deserves a little more time, but I’d like to know why when the boat starts taking water, no one is able to clog the hull like anyone sane can human would do. . What’s happening on TV? Why is it governed by a logic more typical of Lewis Carroll characters than mere mortals? I’m afraid it’s easier to make a fun monologue than to answer these questions.

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