1650658653 Ukraine Gomez on La7 American and British interests are not

Ukraine, Gomez on La7: “American and British interests are not European

“The aim of the British and Americans is to create the conditions for that, within the Russia There is a regime change and somehow Putin, so weakened by this war, is also suffering internally. Next bidenbut there is macron who said very clear things this morning”. So a “Half past eight” (La7), the director of and from fq millennium, Peter GomezCommenting on the statements made yesterday by the President of the United States, Joe Biden (“Putin will not win, but in Ukraine he will never be able to fully occupy it”), highlighting the different position of the outgoing French president Emmanuel Macron.

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Gomez emphasizes: “Russian talk shows are already talking about the war against NATO. The same macron warned that we are approaching the use of unconventional weapons Putin. And as long as Russia is talking about chemical weapons, I am appalled at what can happen to the Ukrainian people. when he starts talking tactical nuclear weaponsI think that We are rapidly approaching World War III. So this is where Europe is starting to think about why American and British interests are not European interests. We certainly have to support the Ukrainians, but we also have to be a bit clever in this situation.

Russia-Ukraine war, Zelenskyy:

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The director of Fact online then explains the mistakes Europe made before the conflict broke out: “The Wall Street Journal he reported on the German Chancellor’s attempt at conciliation on February 19 Olaf Scholz to the President of Ukraine Zelensky, urged him not to join NATO. And certainly not why the Russians were right. We – he continues – have to put ourselves in the Russian perspective, because that is on the negotiating table. Only two weeks later, Zelenskyy declared that he did not want to join NATO. In any case, apart from Scholz, such a signal did not reach Zelensky”.

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Letta: “It is almost irresponsible to admit Ukraine to the EU in 2036. We can’t afford to make fun of it like that.”

Gomez concludes: “I’m not discussing NATO, but I’m assuming a principle of reality. I’m sick of this Italian debate between Guelphs and Ghibellines, So if you try to analyze the causes of the war, you are accused of being anti-NATO. I’m an American citizen, please. So let’s try to be more rational. Now the omelette is ready – he comments – We can only wait for Putin to advance, otherwise the risk of using tactical nuclear weapons will increase. Everyone who argues that Russians should be thrown back into their borders is saying something that I personally find beautiful. But in reality it is a very dangerous thing for all of us and for Europe.