Tire Nichols African American beaten and killed by Memphis police

Tire Nichols, African American, beaten and killed by Memphis police

Beaten up by five officers despite being handcuffed. kick and fists until he collapsed to the ground, where he then waited for the arrival of theambulance 21 minutes long, according to an analysis by CNN. IS died as is attested Video The 29-year-old was released overnight by Memphis authorities Tire Nichols, African American. The five police officers, also African American, come from the recordings of a body camera while last January 7th They stop and hit the man. A new case of George Floyd, another, is shaking and outraging the United States, where protests have erupted in many cities over violence by agents against African Americans. The pictures show Nichols in distress after being stopped by officers so many times that he called his mother multiple times. “Damn, I didn’t do anything,” the 29-year-old told the officers, who reportedly kicked and punched him. Nichols will die for ainternal bleeding three days later in the hospital. The footage also shows how the man didn’t respond to the cops, but only tried run awayexcept then be after that and taken over by the agents. “I just want to go home,” were his last words.

protests in the United States – According to an analysis by CNN, it takes about 21 minutes from the moment Nichols is punched to the moment the stretcher comes on the scene. In the following hours both lanes of the I-55 Bridgean important Freeway from Memphis, was clogged by many protesters. “You will stop killing people in our city,” protesters shouted into megaphones, none of whom were arrested by police. “They will stop killing ours brothers and sisters in this city. If they come, we’ll stay Stop, we’ll sing the name of Tire Nichols again. We will resist the relevant police department,” said one protester. But the echo of the 29-year-old’s death spread across the country, and protests broke out in numerous cities: in Washington Dozens of protesters rallied in Lafayette Park near Black Lives Matter Plaza and on K Street as Boston they marched with them Tremont streetcausing traffic problems in the city. Nbc also files protests sacramentsan francisco, Atlanta, Ashville, Philadelphia, Providence and Dallas. An invitation to a peaceful demonstration also came from the victim’s family. “I don’t want us to burn down our town and destroy the streets because that’s not what my son stood for,” Nichols’ mother said Thursday. Vaughn Wells series “If you are here for me and Tyre, you will protest peacefully.”

Biden: “Congress approves police reform” – After the video was released, the President also spoke Joe Bidenwhich he said he was “outraged and deeply distressed” to see “The Terrible Video”. It’s, he added, “another one painful memory from deep fear and trauma, from pain and from exhaustion that black Americans experience every day.” And he stressed that the images “will rightfully outrage people.” The US President asked the same question congress to send the George Floyd Justice in Policing Act to his desk. “If I republican of senate I blocked this bill and signed an executive order mandating stricter application of standards on the use of force and accountability provisions for federal law enforcement agencies, as well as steps to strengthen accountability at the state and local levels.”