1674508822 They offer the residents of in 2022 more than

They offer the residents of | in 2022 more than one thousand two hundred electrical services to CMKX Radio Bayamo

They offer the residents of in 2022 more than

Approximately 1,236 new services were performed by Electric Company in 2022 between voltage changes and different meter locations at customer request.

This result supports the intense work of the province’s specialists, recognized as the best in the country, who have endeavored to offer a better service to the people of , despite the scarcity of resources necessary to carry out important actions and with the search for alternative creators.

In a very difficult year, due to the complex energy situation, the service time decreased by 50 percent, as well as the electricity losses, which is the best province in the country in this last aspect and achieves that most of the energy supplied reaches the customers.

This was explained by Geider Mompié Rodríguez, general director of the Electric Company, who added that it issues 99.4 percent of the collection of the electricity bill, mainly thanks to the efforts of collector readers.

The manager highlighted that the conditions in the Commercial Office of Manzanillo were improving, they resolved 383 proposals from voters, Province being the one with the best results in this regard in the country and carrying out 32 works for the benefit of society.

Mompié Rodríguez indicated that 28 houses in the municipality of Ensenada del Indio, in the municipality of Río Cauto, were electrified with the photovoltaic solar panel system and installed 370 panels donated by China to residents of the municipalities of Guisa, Buey Arriba, Cauto Cristo and Jiguaní.

He also said they had strengthened management structures in all sections, honored the obligation to contribute to home and union dues, and volunteered to support the Farm and Food program.

They also delivered suitcases to the home for children without family protection, to the psycho-educational medical center and to residents of the community of San Juan y Martínez in Pinar del Río province affected by Hurricane Ian.

In addition, they recognized the outstanding workers of the year, donated 60 blood donations, managed to set up two voluntary donor clubs in the municipalities of Buey Arriba and Bayamo, and presented various innovations with great economic importance.

The participation of 131 electricians, members of the “Desembarco del ” contingent, who worked for more than 50 days to recover from Cyclone Ian in Havana and Pinar del Río, stands out in this period.