The record is between two exBBBs to compose A Fazenda

The record is between two exBBBs to compose A Fazenda 14. Do you know who Metropoles

After the column exclusively reported that influencers Deolane Bezerra and Pétala Barreiros will be in the next season of A Fazenda 14, this columnist reveals two more names being discussed internally by Record. They come from two exBBBs of the last editions who made a big impact during their participation: Natália Deodato from BBB22 and Arthur Picoli from BBB21.

The production of A Fazenda is doubtful among the participants precisely because of the individual career that each of them has covered. Natália has been dubbed the one who likes to cause things, has sincerity on the tongue while attending BBB22 and no wonder netizens affectionately nicknamed her Bad Nat.

After leaving the program, Natália collected headaches from her former agency that managed her social networks and shared with her followers the frustration of administrators not making commitments during her confinement. It is also known that the sister is not going through her best phase financially.

BBB21’s Arthur Picoli not only doesn’t run from bullshit, but shares the same combative profile and doesn’t take offense. His departure from global reality was marked by conflicts that have now been resolved with Fiuk and a turbulent relationship with actress and also exBBB Carla Diaz.

Unlike Natália, Arthur is the brand’s darling and collects some important contracts, such as: B. Flamengo, which led to him joining the squad of the sevenman football team and even becoming a presenter on FLATV. Arthur also starred in an ad with Brahma, and in interviews he said he managed to get to R$1.5 million after passing through the BBB.

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