The Maggioni quotfinedquot disobedient news moderators

The Maggioni "fined" disobedient news moderators

Ah, how difficult it is to govern the journalists in Rai. It seems that the three main presenters of Tg1, Francesco Giorgino, Laura Chimenti and Emma D’Aquino, are moved from the most important edition of 20 to that of 13.30 by the director Monica Maggioni. Rumor has it that it was a kind of “punishment” because the three bushes didn’t like Maggioni’s decision to assign them to the morning press review together with the other colleagues. In short, historical and popular faces who are forced to “get up early”. The three obviously didn’t take it very well and would have rejected the proposal in the last few days, turning against the director. And that would trigger the “punishment”. A refusal that would also result from the fact that behind the apology of the press review was Maggioni’s desire to change the face of the main edition.

In short, there isn’t a day that there isn’t grain in Rai. Meanwhile, the chapter of the Orfeo case ended yesterday, the subject of a hearing at the Rai Supervisory Commission where directors Pd Valeria Fedeli and Andrea Romano accused CEO Fuortes of making the company look bad. The conclusion of the whole affair that led to Orfeo’s removal from Insights management was seen in new director Antonio Di Bella’s presentation of next season’s game plans to the board. They are identical to those of Orpheus, also because it was impossible to change them in a few days. Basically, in the next TV season we will see “Cartabianca” with its many fights and commentators who are considered “pro-Putiniani” and “Report” with its investigations that infuriate politicians (rightly or wrongly). Those were the two programs that we wanted to close down or try to change and that caused the clash that led to the rupture between the two. Alongside these unshakable shows, however, there will be new in-depth programs that, on paper, must follow a more moderate line: that led by new Rai member Ilaria D’Amico, who must revive Raidue Thursday. And then “The great news stories” by Giancarlo De Cataldo (second evening of Monday Raiuno) and the daily strip by Marco Damilano (Raitre at 8:35 p.m.). For the summer, Di Bella, at the head of a kind of correspondence office, announced that the proclamation would be sent to Ukraine