1674014052 The ingenious trick to rid the bathroom of mold and

The ingenious trick to rid the bathroom of mold and shine in new splendor Santé+ Mag

Despite proper tile cleaning, mold can still build up on the grout and ordinary cleaning products are not effective enough to get rid of it. Luckily, there are tricks you can try on your tiles to get rid of them quickly and effectively. Find out which ones.

Mold stains on the walls or ceiling are a very recurring problem that affects all rooms in the house where theHumidity tends to be high. Although mold can grow along a wall, it is most commonly found near the ceiling.

Why does mold form?

A warm and humid environment favors mold growth. One of the signs of high humidity is condensation, which can be caused by improper insulation materials or by household chores such as washing clothes, showering or cooking. When humid air comes into contact with cold surfaces such as walls and windows, condensation can occur. Water infiltration is also a common cause of increased humidity and therefore the appearance of mold. Areas such as basements, attics, exterior walls and balconies are particularly prone to mold growth.

Also read: With this homemade solution, mold will disappear around Windows instantly

When moisture builds up, condensation and unsightly mold stains form, especially on the bathroom ceiling. Thermal changes are also a common cause of mold growth. Especially in a house or room that is not ventilated If the room is not ventilated daily or not properly, the risk of mold growth increases

  • In order to avoid mold growth in your bathroom, it is important that the ventilation works properly. A poorly ventilated bathroom can become easy a place conducive to the spread of mold.
  • It is also important to ensure water infiltration issues are addressed as water enters structures in the home can favor the presence of mold.
  • Finally, if your home’s foundations aren’t waterproof, damage can result capillary rise problems and encourage mold growth.
  • It is therefore important to take action Reduce humidity in the bathroomsuch as the installation of a dehumidifier and, if necessary, repair work.

baking soda

Baking Powder – Source: spm

With baking soda

Mold can harm both your health and the people living under the same roof. Continuous exposure to these fungi can cause serious problems like allergies, infections and other diseases. It is therefore important to control their growth at home.

You can prepare an effective solution to eliminate mold that may be present on the walls and other elements of the bathroom. For that easy Mix three tablespoons of baking soda and one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide.

After mixing in a bowl, apply to areas where mold has formed. Leave on for a few minutes, then rinse and allow to dry or use a microfiber cloth.

With white vinegar

To remove mold, white vinegar is an effective product. It is possible to dilute it with water and apply it to the surface of the mold with a spray bottle. Then simply wipe the walls with a cloth and scrub if necessary. White vinegar also has antibacterial properties, making it a smart choice for fighting mold.

With black soap

To remove mold in a bathroom, black soap is an effective product. It can be used to clean walls and joints. Simply apply the soap to the affected areasLeave on for a few minutes, then rinse.

With bleach

A detergent containing bleach can also be used to remove traces of mold. it is important, that Rinse the treated surfaces well with water after use and not to use products containing bleach on porous materials or on water-based paints.

With lemon juice

Lemon juice can also be used to get rid of mold thanks to its acidifying power. Just mix it with liquid soap and use this mixture to clean mold infested surfaces.

With a candle

Dirty tile joints

Dirty tile joints – Source: spm

You must take a candle of the same color as the tiles, which is usually white.

with the tip of the candle, start rubbing the infested area. The paraffin contained in the candles protects and whitens at the same time. At the end of the operation, remove all wax particles with a dry microfiber cloth, rinse and leave to dry.

The paraffin forms a thin waterproof layer and the wall dries quickly. This treatment lasts several days and to maintain this protection it is enough to repeat this operation at least once a month.

Also read: How to clean the grout between bathroom tiles in 15 minutes? No more mold

For prevent mold growth in your accommodation, here are some steps to follow:

  • Make sure your home is well ventilated and dry. regularly check for leaks and seal immediately if necessary.
  • Clean up and discard items that are no longer used that can retain moisture.
  • Clean and maintain regularly Your home to prevent the accumulation of dust and dirt that can contribute to mold growth.
  • Adopt lifestyle habits that help reduce indoor humidity, such as B. opening windows for regular ventilation, using dehumidifiers or avoiding drying clothes indoors.
  • Also read: The clever housewife’s trick to removing mold from kitchen and bathroom cabinets