The GLSDBs arrive the Pentagons gift to Ukraine that will

The GLSDBs arrive, the Pentagon’s gift to Ukraine that will panic Putin’s troops

After months of debate, the Pentagon has decided to equip Ukrainian troops with a deadly missile that ex-US General Ben Hodges says will spark panic in Putin’s army. “The GLSDB (Ground-Launched Small Diameter Bomb) will leave the Russians with no way out. Life for both the Russian Navy and Air Force, as well as those supplying the military with weapons from Crimea, will soon become very uncomfortable,” the retired soldier said on Twitter. The weapon combines the bomb with the designation GBU-39 Small Diameter Bomb (SDB) with the M26 rocket engine, both available in US inventories Although the US has denied Kiev’s requests for the Atacms missile with a range of 297 km, the GLSDB’s 150 km range would allow Ukraine to to hit Russian military targets hitherto out of reach and to continue his counterattacks.

01/19/2023 01:10