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The case of Orlandi, Pietro: Gaenswein and Bertone must be consulted

Pietro Orlandi makes a kind of ‘list’ during the traditional sit-in for his missing sister Emanuela, which, however, is canceled for the first time this year after the sensational announcement of the opening of an investigation file in the Vatican: “For a serious investigation, that it is not about propaganda – says Orlandi in front of the crowd gathered in Largo Giovanni XXIII in front of the Vatican – one has to listen to a number of people who may have had direct contact with this story, starting with the former secretary to the head of state, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone and the former secretary of the Pope Emeritus, Monsignor Georg Gaenswein”. Before the followers of Largo Giovanni XXIII, Orlandi repeated again that “an Emanuela dossier exists, Don Georg himself confirmed it to me”. In addition, Orlandi also goes to those in his possession Whatsapp messages back he likes from the Vatican Prosecutor’s Office s would like to have acquired: “In this exchange between two collaborators of Pope Francis from 2014 we are talking about Emanuela, about documents about Emanuela , we are talking about a serious fact that needs to be clarified, grave robbers, georadar are questioned and man also wonders how to raise the money to cover expenses.



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