1659297463 The Arrival of the Wogs

The Arrival of the Wogs

The Arrival of the Wogs

I can’t remember if that winter was cold; feverish with rumours, yes, and that the two juan friends Benet and García Hortelano had not then founded what they themselves would call Rúmor SL, a limited liability agency for the dissemination of hoaxes and teasing in general. The political rumor mill, which is of course not another (supposed) evil of the transition, has been seething in Spain since the PSOE won the general elections in late October 1982 with an absolute majority, which allowed them to form a socialist ministerial team almost 50 years after the last governments of the left. Nor do I remember what we did to celebrate December 2 of that year, 1982, the day of the photograph of Felipe González’s new cabinet. However, what I have never forgotten is the interest and prior concern of knowing who would be in charge of culture: the gossip, the bets, the riddles and even the games of chance did not stop crossing (out of curiosity I think understandable) in the professional and vital world in which I and my neighbors moved, that of writers, artists, editors, filmmakers, agents and other practitioners of entertainment and the visual arts.

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