The 12 works of PSPP

The 12 works of PSPP

With the power drunk CAQ displaying “Do Not Disturb” on his hotel room door, with QS steeped in the obsessions of his nested constituency, with the homeless PCQ, with the decapitated PLQ, the PQ of “Hercule” Paul St-Pierre Plamondon is the only truly representative national opposition.

Like Hercules, to reach Mount Olympus, St-Pierre Plamondon had to start proving he was a real leader by performing “works”.

The 1st: emerge victorious from the election debates… brilliantly successful!

The 2nd: Save PQ from the announced election wreck… barely successful!

The 3rd: forcing the surrender of the oath to the king…successfully despite some dramatic moments!

The 4th: Alarmed the populace when a team of “displaced people” like the Montreal Foot Club appointed a man to an important position who publicly lamented that Pauline Marois was not murdered on the eve of her election… Successful!

The following

What will Paul St-Pierre Plamondon’s next Labors of Hercules be? I do not know. I have suggestions

The PSPP will have to compensate for its lack of visibility in the National Assembly: I propose that it emulates René Lévesque of the early 1970s.

The latter visited CEGEPs, universities, chambers of commerce, any group that invited him.

The leader of the PQ must insist that Quebec never signed the 1982 constitution and that Ottawa, whose incompetence is becoming increasingly obvious and blatant, especially on passports, is nothing but a leech.

Shake off the inertia

Why not a duet with his colleague from the block, Yves-François Blanchet, also a good speaker?

Whether it’s “Anglizing” municipalities in the name of bilingualism, universities going insane, dysfunctional hospitals, or the invading of Ottawa, we know the CAQ will settle for blah-blah and band-aids.

The only truly nationalist voice is that of the PQ, and it must resonate outside of the assembly.

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