Terrorist will blow up character of Cassia Kis in soap

Terrorist will blow up character of Cassia Kis in soap opera

The horror scene marks a turning point in the series and is expected to appear in Chapter 100 Edit

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247 Travessia will have a terrorist attack that will leave the characters of Cassia Kis and Humberto Martins in a hospital in a serious condition. Author Gloria Perez will argue about who is the originator of the attack the two will suffer. A bomb is planted in the businessman’s car and the vehicle will fly through the air with the explosion in the nine o’clock soap opera on Globo. The information comes from the TV News portal.

The horror scene marks a turning point in the series and is expected to appear in Chapter 100, which airs February 2nd. Everyone will conclude that Moretti (Rodrigo Lombardi) is the killer, but he will despair and even swear that he had nothing to do with the crime.

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