Study confirms that organic farming has a positive climate balance

Study confirms that organic farming has a positive climate balance

Experts from the University of Munich confirm that organic farming has a positive climate balance. According to a study published this Monday, this “contributes to the solution of environmental problems, for example to the reduction of nitrogen emissions relevant to the environment and the climate”. Therefore, it is recommended that the organic growing area be expanded quickly.

“In the current economic situation, it is important above all to preserve the existing organic cultivation area and to strengthen and stabilize the sale of organic products”, recommend the researchers. After consolidation, the area under organic cultivation must be expanded as soon as possible to reach the German government’s target of increasing its share to 30% by 2030.

The study mentions the reduction of nitrogen use by around 100 kilos per hectare and the surplus of nitrogen to less than 20 kilos. This is associated with lower ammonia, nitrous oxide and nitrate emissions, which has a positive effect on biodiversity and the protection of drinking water.

organic fertilization

By dispensing with mineral fertilizers, it improves the energy balance and, therefore, agriculture’s dependence on fossil fuels. Organic fertilization also improves humus accumulation.

Overall, greenhouse gas emissions from organic crop production, of 1,750 kilograms of CO2 per hectare, are half that of conventional agriculture. In addition, doing without chemical-synthetic herbicides, fungicides and insecticides is positive for biodiversity.

Yields are lower in organic crop production than in conventional crop production. However, with optimal nutrient supply in organic crop rotations, high and stable energy yields can be achieved that can reach the average yield level of conventional crop rotations. However, further increases in yields from organic agriculture are “of strategic importance”.

In the case of livestock, the smaller number of animals is emphasized by territorial livestock. In addition, emissions from dairy farming would be reduced through forage feeding, renouncing the use of soy and sustainable use of pastures. (apa)