So the tsar helped the tycoon who hoped for the

So the tsar helped the tycoon who hoped for the dismemberment of Ukraine

New York Times connects interference from To fly in the 2016 US presidential election with the conflict in Ukraine, assumed that the Kremlin would help with the election donald trump basically aimed at gaining the tycoon’s support for a dismembermentUkraine. The US newspaper does this with a very long article entitled «The untold story of Russiagate and the road to war in Ukraine. Russian interference in Trump-era politics was more directly related to the current war than previously thought.

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Russiagate, the new chapter

A reconstruction based on reviewing hundreds of pages of documents from the Chief Prosecutor’s Russiagate investigation Robert Muellerthe Senate Intelligence Commission, Trump’s impeachment trial, and interviews with nearly 50 people in Use and Ukraine. It all began on the night of July 28, 2016, when Hillary Clinton accepted the nomination for the White House in Philadelphia: During those hours, Paul Manafort, President of the Trump campaign, received an email from Russian friend and partner Konstantin Kilimnik, who asked and got an urgent meeting with him.

Mariupol plan

The two met at the Grand Havana Room, a Trump-related hangout atop the Tower in Manhattan owned by Jared Kushner, the tycoon’s son-in-law. Here, Kilimnik illustrated the “Mariupol Plan,” which envisaged the creation of an autonomous republic in eastern Ukraine led by the deposed president in exchange for peace. Victor Yanukovych. Trump had already hinted that he would overturn the diplomatic status quo, and Kilimnik believed he would help bring that plan to fruition. But first he had to win. For this, Manafort shared with him the internal surveys that showed the path to success in the battleground states.

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Too bad he was also a Russian agent, as American investigators later found out. In the weeks that followed, Russian hacks against Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party began, a real assault on American democracy that ended in Trump’s victory. It seemed like a closed chapter, but according to the NYT, it’s linked to the war in Ukraine: in the end, Vladimir Putin didn’t get what he thought he was paying for from the tycoon, and democracy held, both in the US and in the United States Ukraine . But that prompted the “Tsar” to march to war.