1667444720 Simone rejects the grimace label and invests in new business

Simone rejects the grimace label and invests in new business without Simaria

Simone Mendes has now started investing in the alcoholic beverages market

Reproduction / Instagram

Simone Mendes has now started investing in the alcoholic beverages market

In a new professional phase, after the end of the duo with Simaria, Simone Mendes not only invested in her solo music career, but also in other businesses. She became a partner in a distillery and an ambassador for one of the company’s flagship products: a gin brand.

The column spoke to Simone Tuesday night (1st), minutes before she took the stage at Centro de Tradições Nordestinas in São Paulo to perform the first show of her solo career, and in a brief conversation she declined the title “a straight woman”, because she is evangelical and has also stated that she usually consumes alcoholic beverages in her free time, but always in moderation.

“I’m not the type of person who drinks to be cool, but I like to try. But three [doses] it doesn’t work for me anymore. I no more or in the third I have my limit. Anything can as long as you have conscience and wisdom so you don’t do stupid things. Because there are people who sometimes go beyond the limits and finally lose themselves in the wave of their actions,” he commented.

“Thank God I’m aware that I like to taste and I’m not such a straight person. If we go to the Bible, even Jesus drank wine. So I guess he’s allowing us to have a little drink,” she continued, laughing.

Simone explained that she became a partner of the Bullhof brand after going out to dinner with her husband, businessman Kaká Diniz, and at the restaurant asking the waiter for a “top” drink. She was surprised by the taste and wanted to know all the ingredients. When she discovered it was a gin, she pulled the strings and set up a meeting with one of the brand owners. At that moment the invitation to the company was born.

“I was just happy. Also because the boys are already drinking, right? Gusttavo Lima has his drink, Leonardo has his drink. What about the girls? I said, ‘Boy, I have to have a drink there, I have to be them Woman who will represent these girls in Brazil with such a special and delicious brand.’

For them, a woman has the freedom to do whatever she wants, whenever she wants. And the fact of becoming an entrepreneur in a maledominated market makes her even happier because she has the opportunity to open doors for other women to enter the business.

“The woman has to do what she wants. You can drink, you can dance, you can kiss on the mouth. The woman, with a conscience, who knows what she’s doing when she’s happy, it’s all right. She must live,” he concluded.