1655347812 Simona Ventura the presenter torn to pieces after the tragic

Simona Ventura, the presenter torn to pieces after the tragic death: “We will never forget you” | …

The Rai presenter was carried away with the regrets of a sad death that grieved her. Here’s the message from the Ventura

The recently concluded television season was for Simona overall positive. As for the Rai channels, she’s finally back at the forefront of a program. In fact, she and Paola Perego presented “Intercom Rai 2”a format that every Sunday morning kept the Italians company, who appreciated the couple formed by the two famous women of the show.

Simona Ventura the presenter torn to pieces after the tragicSimona Ventura (web source)

His adventure on the Mediaset Networks instead it was less idyllic. Maria De Filippi chose the Ventura perform “Last Stop”. Unfortunately, the program did not produce the expected results in terms of share issuance, although the responsibility for this failure cannot be attributed to Bentivoglio’s showgirl.

The audience didn’t particularly like the structure of the show, many viewers even wondered what that meant. Divided into four episodes, “Last Stop” it didn’t break the hearts of Italians, perhaps because it was considered quite similar to Temptation Island, which jumped off schedules this year.

Simona Ventura, the grief that shook her

With great pain, Super Simo announced the tragic death of Don Raimondo. The presenter had the honor of meeting him, which is why she gave him touching words through a post uploaded to her Instagram page: “He is Don Raimondo. For those who, like me, have been going to Sardinia since 1987, he was not only the custodian of the Stella Maris Church, but also an inclusive and special person!”.

1655347809 102 Simona Ventura the presenter torn to pieces after the tragicSimona Ventura (Instagram)

With a series of compliments, Ventura spoke of Don Raimondo, explaining to all his followers why he was a truly special person: “He was never equal to sermons, he was sensitive and performant. Above all, Don Raimondo was welcoming. They lasted no more than half an hour (at one point it was rumored that he was filmed and kindly helped to calm things down) in order to allow the masses to access the mass.

To conclude her message, the presenter of “Citofonare Rai 2” used the following sentences: “Therefore, I find it deeply unfair when I see that he is defined as a ‘VIP parish priest’! He was the pastor of EVERYONE!!! Rest in Peace Don… We will never forget you”. Super Simo’s post received several comments in which his followers expressed their closeness at such a delicate moment.