Simaria is having an affair with a famous actor brother

Simaria is having an affair with a famous actor, brother says

Simaria would live a new romance

Simaria would live a new romance

Photo: Leo Franco/AgNews

Looks like the line went to Simaria. The person responsible for spilling the beans was Caio Mendes, the singer’s brother, during the celebration of Coleguinha’s 40th birthday.

In an interview with SBT’s Fofocalizando, he shared more details about his sister’s alleged affair: “Dona Simaria has a new crush, it’s serious! As far as I know, she’s been chatting for a few months, but she’s very soft, very slow. He’s famous but he doesn’t sing, he looks like he’s acting.”

Simaria has been single since August last year, when she announced the end of her marriage to Spanish businessman Vicente Escrig after 14 years of marriage. You are parents of two children.

Last weekend Simaria drew attention to a new moment of stress with Simone during a show in Caruaru. She was late for the performance and entered the stage when her sister was already saying goodbye to the audience.