Media concentration affects democracy says Atilio Boron

Several Indian states are at risk from extreme weather events

Nine Indian states, including Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra and Punjab, are among the world’s 50 highest-risk regions, according to a report released Monday by the Cross Dependency Initiative (XDI), part of a group of companies committed to quantification and communicating the costs of climate change.

The built environment refers to the facilities built by people to support human activities, such as homes and workplaces.

Asia dominates the list of provinces at risk with more than half (114) of the top 200 in 2050, with a focus on China and India.

The XDI found that many states and provinces at high risk of extreme weather hazards related to climate change do not top the rankings because of their smaller number of residential, commercial, and industrial buildings.

According to the analysis, 80 percent of the 50 states and provinces most at risk in 2050 are in China, the United States and India.

After China, India has the most states (nine) in the top 50, with Bihar at 22nd, Uttar Pradesh (25), Assam (28), Rajasthan (32), Tamil Nadu (36), Maharashtra (38), Gujarat ( 48), Punjab (50) and Kerala (52). Hard-hit by devastating floods between June and August 2022 that inundated 30 percent of the land area and partially or completely damaged more than 900,000 houses in Sindh, Pakistan also has several provinces in the top 100.

Beijing, Jakarta, Ho Chi Minh City, Taiwan and Mumbai are among the top 100 most developed and world’s most important Asian economic centers most at risk of damage.

China has concentrated the vulnerable spots in the east and south of the country, linked along the flood plains and deltas of the Yangtze and Perl rivers.

California, Texas and Florida are the most dangerous in the United States, while other multi-provincial and state countries in the top 50 on the list include Brazil, Pakistan and Indonesia, while in Europe London, Milan, Munich and Venice are among the most dangerous areas .
