1655337346 Russia guest of honor of the Taliban the shocked hostess

Russia, guest of honor of the Taliban: the shocked hostess, the video goes around the world

Russia guest of honor of the Taliban the shocked hostess

“Ladies and gentlemen, at the St. Petersburg Forum, Russia’s most important business forum, guests of honor: i Taliban“. Jacobo Iacoboni, for example, runs a video on Twitter that shows a representative of the terrorists who have regained control of Afghanistan at his desk St. Petersburg Forum. One of the two hostesses tries to hide the bewilderment and disgust on her face…

On the other hand, the “prestige” of the guests is unchanged compared to previous years: before the war, French and German leaders, and also representatives of the major world banks, attended the forum, while now there are rebels from the east Ukraine, the Belarusian leader Alexander Lukashenko and a Taliban delegation. “This is the fifth year I’ve been working at the Forum, and the atmosphere has never been so tense – a 29-year-old Moscow Times employee revealed – nobody is talking about the war, but I can assure you that everyone is thinking about it. It’s like Lord Voldemort, the Harry Potter character: nobody says his name, but everyone knows him and feels his presence.”

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Speaking of the Taliban, according to General SVR – Russian counter-information Telegram channel – Vladimir Putin would have made one approval with them: Russia will pay $5 billion in food, energy and money for the Taliban to abandon their plans to take over some areas of Tajikistan. Among other things, part of the wheat promised to the Taliban seems to have been stolen from Ukraine …

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