Ricardo explains Cristian Cezars choice for Castigo do Monstro at

Ricardo explains Cristian Cezar’s choice for Castigo do Monstro at BBB 23

During the party this Saturday at BBB 23, Christian It is Ricardo entertain while enjoying Dilsinho’s show. The biodoctor talks to Cristian about “beating the leader”, referring to Cezar’s choice for monster punishment.

“It’s good that you know a game is a game. What I did today was bizarre,” Ricardo says to Cristian, who was also chosen to punish the monster. “What?” asks Cristian. “Give it to the leader,” Ricardo replies. Cristian says: “Black, it was f****”.

“Shot against shot. So, hey, the birthday guy, firsttime leader, came back from two paredãos,” counters Cristian. “And the guy wants to kick me out of the program…” replies Ricardo.

“Yes, but… I see. Game is game,” the businessman continues. “But it was difficult,” adds Cristian. “Do you think it’s like out there?” asks the biodoctor. “I’m kicked out, brother,” says the brother. “It could be. It could happen, but it’s the game,” confirms Cristian.