Relationship 3 Steps to Disliking Someone Once and For All

Relationship: 3 Steps to Disliking Someone Once and For All

Beginnings are important in the sentimental realm. However, it is necessary to go through the end of a cycle to get back on track. In this way, it is important not only to embrace new feelings, but to let go of old ones.

Falling in love with someone is necessary when you realize that going with that person no longer makes sense. Or maybe your crush doesn’t respond to you outside of a commitment and you need to move on.

consequences of separation and alienation

According to John Cacioppo, director of the Center for Cognitive and Social Neuroscience at the University of Chicago for the BBC, The same areas of physical pain in the brain are activated when we break up with someone.

“The sensations experienced in these cases are very strong and do not go away quickly. People are hurt and want to hurt others therefore it is not pleasant to be around them. People become depressed and isolated and it becomes contagious,” explains the expert.

During this process, there are symptoms of: Insomnia, stress, increased blood pressure and deterioration of the immune system. In more advanced scenarios, cognitive performance may also be reached.

Below are the three steps to stop liking someone.

See more: Relationship: 7 essential elements for a healthier relationship

1 Pay attention to and manage contact

According to psychologist Arturo Torres, the body releases oxytocin the love hormone when you are close to your loved one. Hence, The first step to take is to reduce physical, visual and even digital contact so that the person is completely separate from you.

While not an easy task, it is a sacrifice you must make if you really want to fall out of love. Be careful not to sabotage yourself.

2 Get your life back and routine

Strive for independence in your activities and additionally look for different environments. If you put yourself first and focus on your own things, your love interest in your crush will naturally wane.

Work, pursue hobbies, go out with friends, and engage in other activities until you forget your loved one. After a while, passion for him will subside until it no longer exists.

3 Work on selfesteem

Although it sounds like a cliche theme, it makes all the difference! When you stop loving someone, be careful it doesn’t hurt your selfesteem and make you feel inadequate or guilty for not exercising.

If you don’t deal with it, you could quickly fall in love with someone else just to fill a void and feel in love.