1660904582 putin quotsevere deterioration of the diseasequot His magic circles plan

putin, "severe deterioration of the disease". His magic circle’s plan to retain the power time

putin quotsevere deterioration of the diseasequot His magic circles plan

Russian President Vladimir Putin and his entourage are preparing for possible problems related to a “sharp deterioration in health”. The background comes from the Telegram General Svr channel, which – at least according to its executives – is managed directly by a former Russian intelligence officer. So the tsar’s illness was real and destined to get worse, according to the reconstruction, which jokes about the words of William Burns, the CIA’s number one, who recently spoke of an “overly sane” Putin.

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The background reads and “there is a high probability” that the Russian President “will not be able to hold meetings in person and attend major events, and the growing problems related to the increased emergence of new strains of coronavirus have proved very encouraging”. him and his staff, who are better able to hide the signs of the tsar’s physical demise.In fact, citing the need to comply with anti-Covid restrictions, Putin works only with long-distance communication: “Meetings with the President, conducted by video call with deepfake- Technology are held do not require in-person attendance.”

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In short, they speak to a hologram. But also “presidential impersonators have been used with some frequency lately, who also made public appearances”. Telegram reports that Putin is self-isolating in his bunker, and “many people, including those close to the president, are asking themselves: ‘How long can Putin’s activities be simulated in the event of his death?'”. The answer contained in the background is that they could go on for a long time.