Polo Polo died at the age of 78 one of

Polo Polo died at the age of 78, one of Mexico’s most famous comedians

Editorial Mediotempo

Mexico City / 01/23/2023 14:52:00

A start to the year that has the world of entertainment and entertainment in Mexico clothed in mourning. unfortunately, This Monday, January 23, Polo Polo’s death was announcedone of the most famous comedians of our country, with a career spanning more than 40 years, excelling in the country’s main nightclubs.

Censored on television for years for his high-sounding language and double meanings, Polo Polo began his career in his native León, Guanajuatowho rose to fame in the ’80s and ’90s to later become a benchmark for comedy in Mexico with successful performances in other Latin American countries and the United States.

How did comedian Polo Polo die?

by name Leopoldo Roberto García Peláez BenítezThe comedian had retired from the stage and the public since 2016. It has been speculated that his last place of residence was in the state of Querétaro some versions said that Polo Polo had Alzheimer’s diseasealthough this has never been confirmed by any member of his family.

According to Televisa’s “Cuéntamelo Ya” program, Polo Polo suffered cardiac arrest this caused his death on January 23. The displays of affection were present on social networks by the public, colleagues and professional peers.

Polo Polo died at the age of 78 one of

On television one remembers his participation in the “The Little VIP School” program. along with other renowned comedians such as Jorge Ortiz de Pinedo, Luis de Alba and Rafael Inclán, as well as for his two appearances in “One more role” with Adal Ramones.

The best polo polo jokes

Polo Polo’s Jokes They were left to posterity thanks to the fact that he released several CD collections and, moreover, was able to find the animated versions on video through YouTube.