Paquita la del Barrio criticizes women who undergo surgeries The

Paquita la del Barrio criticizes women who undergo surgeries: “The man does not deserve so many victims”

Paquita la del Barrio criticizes women who have cosmetic surgeries, assuring them that they are done to please men and they “do not deserve that many sacrifices.”

“May someone refute me, but That’s what a woman does to please a man more.” said the artist in an interview for the program “Venga la alegría”.

The Two-Legged Rat performer added that in her opinion, “humans don’t deserve so many sacrifices.”

The singer has always been known for her firm stance against machismo, both in her lyrics and in her personal life was against cosmetic procedures and they have maintained their self-esteem position, saying no to the scalpel when the goal is to “attract a man”.

I would never risk my life for vanity. I sing, I don’t teach, and people will see me for my songs, not because I’m hot. When you’re 60, you don’t cook the first time,” the singer said in a 2011 interview for TV Notas magazine.