Pantanal Jose Leoncio welcomes new deceased guests

Pantanal José Leôncio welcomes new deceased guests

José Leôncio receives a visit from the dead in the Pantanal.

The farm of Jose Leoncio (Marcos Palmeira) in wetlandbecause the place serves as a boarding house and receives several guests throughout the remake Bruno Luperi.

The term has even become a joke on social media, as the squatter hosts virtually every character appearing in the nine o’clock soap opera in his home. globe.

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The site once housed the entire core of Rio de Janeiro that still remained in the features section, including sister (Camila Morgado) Mariana (Selma Egrei) and zaquieu (Silvero Pereira). the farmer Alcides (Juliano Cazarré) and the maid zefa (Paula Barbosa), who worked for tenor (Murilo Benício) are also now properly installed on the rancher’s farm.

seedling (Bella Campos), who switched from the Tapera de Juma (Alanis Guillen) and eventually married Tiberius (Guito), also settled on the farm wetland.

Jove (Jesuíta Barbosa) will try at all costs to show José Leôncio (Marcos Palmeira) the Velho do Rio (Osmar Prado) in the Pantanal (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)

Pantanal Jove forces the bar and arranges historic meeting between Zé Leôncio and Velho do Rio but one pawn is ‘blind’.

Zuleica (Aline Borges) will tell Guta (Julia Dalavia) who Marcelo's (Lucas Leto) father is, in Pantanal, Globo's nine o'clock soap (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)

Pantanal Zuleica reveals to Guta who Marcelo’s father is and says she was raped by him: ‘A shock’

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Other characters who recently passed through the trait of Marcos Palmeira went to the journalist Erika (Marcela Fetter), with whom she had an affair Jose Lucas (Irandhir Santos) and his father, the corrupt politician, Ibrahim (Dan Stuelbach).


But in the next chapters of wetland, Jose Leoncio will receive some visitors from beyond. According to information from TV Prime, an entourage of ghosts will be passing through the place. One of the dead pedestrians will open the gate while the others will bathe the horses, prepare food and rest from the journey.

O old man from the river (Osmar Prado), who will try to stop the ghost travelers from entering, but soon realizes that they don’t mean to harm anyone wetland.

Jose Leoncio He will be the only one who wakes up at dawn with a horn sound and also gets goosebumps when he sees the noise of supernatural beings. The next day neither he nor Squidward (José Loreto) finds traces of the ghosts of the remake signed by Bruno Luperi.

During a viola circle, José Leôncio (Marcos Palmeira) caused astonishment in the Pantanal audience and refused to listen to his favorite music (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)The farm of José Leôncio (Marcos Palmeira) is invaded by ghosts in the Pantanal (Photo: Reproduction / Globo)

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