Oriana Marzoli and Antonino Spinalbese from flirting to indifference Big

Oriana Marzoli and Antonino Spinalbese, from flirting to indifference Big Brother VIP | GFVIP 7 Big Brother

“Now I don’t speak anymore Anthony‘ he confesses Oriana to Nicole at lunch “And where’s the news?” the friend asks, amused. The influencer notes that after their past, they’ve gone from intimacy to total indifference, almost like not existing in the house.

“Would you like to speak to us?” The actress asks, but Oriana denies, saying she has no intention of dating him again. His observation focuses on a different topic: “I see that it affects a lot of people,” emphasizes the VIP.

“I don’t think he’s a person who can influence people,” Nicole notes, but for the influencer it’s a known behavior, before she left the game for health reasons, Oriana noted that some people were cold towards her, and mostly related to her David and Andrew.

The actress believes that people know how to separate Antonino’s opinion and Oriana’s behavior: “A person makes a mistake once, but everyone makes a mistake” and for this reason the others will also be able to get to know him regardless of the imagination of another person.

Oriana doesn’t say she believes in the strength of others, but that doesn’t matter. Her observation was simple: there are people in the house to whom she is attached, and it is to them that she directs her attention.