Opposition doesnt like relief package BVZat

Opposition doesn’t like relief package

Criticism by SP finance spokesman Jan Krainer was primarily based on the fact that the package did not lower a single price and that no beneficiary paid a higher tax as a result. 85 percent of this was paid by the pensioners and employees themselves, rather than taking excessive profits from OMV, for example. Also, structurally, timely payments give the wrong answer, as inflation is permanent. Therefore, it is not a large project and, above all, not sustainable.

FPÖ chief Herbert Kickl acknowledged an “incredibly complicated package” instead of which a bribe package would have been better presented to the entire government. Because that would pave the way for a real fight against the causes of inflation. By that he means the “policy of irresponsible crown measures with permanent blockades” as well as the “oil and gas embargo” against Russia.

Meinl-Reisinger attributed the fact that “cold progression” was abolished, among other things, to NEOS’s good opposition work. She acknowledged “very much” that the step was taken: “It’s nothing”. Now we have to hope that the government holds on and the dream doesn’t explode again. Furthermore, Meinl-Reisinger would have preferred that “cold progression” had been abolished retrospectively, rather than showering the can again with bonus payouts.

In return, the coalition boasted superlatives. VP coach August Wöginger enjoyed a “huge aid package”. Finance Minister Magnus Brunner (ÖVP) said: “What many generations have promised is coming.” On the one hand, the government is focusing on contemporary priorities such as ecosocial tax reform and fair solutions for the people like the measures taken today.

On the part of the Greens, Jakob Schwarz also emphasized what was not decided, namely the reduction of taxes on mineral oils and taxes on fossil fuels. Instead, income is supported directly and, unlike in Germany, no ineffective measures are taken.