New experience of immersion in OASIS luminous transformation

New experience of immersion in OASIS: luminous transformation

transformed : The new OASIS immersion experience presented at the Palais des Congrès de Montréal is aptly named because it’s difficult not to come out changed. The explosion of content on the walls, originally intended for virtual reality headsets, gives the experience a new meaning, now lived surrounded by others.

On the eve of its 2nd anniversary, OASIS immersion offers a fourth experience for visitors ever more hungry for moments and extraordinary offerings.

Transformed is distinguished by its vantage point of narrative exploration and sharing of life moments lived by real people (rather than characters).

So we stroll through several large rooms, taking the time to sit (on benches, in rocking chairs) to listen to these 8 stories of outstanding stories. Stories whose words are supported by moving and enveloping projections.

Transformed, immersed in OASIS

Photo provided by Sarah-Émilie Nault

We’re also asked to wander through certain rooms throughout the story as our steps reveal some passing surprises.

What does this unconventional 360-degree experience have in common? The sense of empathy evoked by these eight human stories we know to be real only amplifies the video suggestions that slide off the walls onto the floor, sometimes completely enveloping us.

Transformed, immersed in OASIS

Photo provided by Sarah-Émilie Nault


Schizophrenia, grief, uprooting, slavery, consumer society, isolation, the fear of a nuclear alarm, but also the strength and courage to overcome such tortures are among the themes explored in these 8 works (three in French, three in French). English and two without text). Chosen around the world for the power of their message, these have been adapted and redesigned to move from experiences imagined in virtual reality to immersive ones. A great premiere that makes the OASIS Immersion team proud as they see the experience as a tribute to the virtual reality industry.

Without giving too much away, we can say that a grief research (voiced by French actress Marion Cotillard) is disturbing, culminating in broken glass, that numbs those about urban culture and makes them aware of the possibility of being alone in a crowd and that the subject of mental health has never been better addressed than by the work Goliath, in which a young man who loves video games tells of his first schizophrenic crisis.

The audio diary of a man who lost his sight shortly before the birth of his son and the other stories of resilience find new strength and are thus supported by the projections.

the experience transformed of OASIS Immersion will be presented at the Palais des Congrès in Montreal. Tickets and times: