Nearly 7000 Day Care Places Created a Record in 15

Nearly 7,000 Day Care Places Created, a Record in 15 Years

This is unheard of in Quebec for the last 15 years. These figures refer to the 2022-2023 financial year, which is not yet closed. This assessment could therefore be revised upwards by the end of March.

Family Minister Suzanne Roy says her ministry is working hard to meet the Legault government’s target of creating 37,000 places by 2025.

“This is encouraging data and our goal is to complete the network and ensure that any family who wants a subsidized place can get one,” Suzanne Roy told Radio-Canada.

A portrait of Suzanne Roy.

Family Minister Suzanne Roy on the sidelines of a CAQ caucus. (file photo)

Photo: Radio Canada / Ivanoh Demers

Since the Grand Chantier pour les familles launched in October 2021, 8,378 places have been created out of the 37,000 promised places, according to the ministry’s latest report obtained by Radio-Canada.

January was a particularly productive month. Around 680 places were added to the network.

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There are also more than 700 ongoing installation projects in Quebec.

In addition, thousands of parents are still waiting for a daycare place. As of August 31, 2022, approximately 33,356 children were on a childcare waiting list.

It should be noted that the ministry recently changed the way it compiles this list.

The number of places added to the network does not currently result in a significant reduction in the waiting list.

Several factors explain this situation. The inclusion of children on the list, but also the loss of places in subsidized or unsubsidized daycare centers.

In the last four years, for example, Quebec has lost 12,737 places in family institutions, Le Devoir reported in January.

We must keep working tirelessly until the goal is reached. We owe it to our little ones and to Quebec’s families who have waited long enough, assured Suzanne Roy.

In collaboration with Aude Garachon