1674206364 Mara Venier angry about the Lollobrigida case what she said

Mara Venier angry about the Lollobrigida case: what she said

The moderator of Domenica In very hard with Countess Federici, guest of Matano for the funeral of the “Bersagliera”: “Your cynicism appalls me”. Never seen like this

Posted on: January 20, 2023 07:41:00Mara Venier angry about the Lollobrigida case: what she said

An unedited Mara Venier speaking over the phone yesterday afternoon about the episode of Live Life dedicated to her Gina Lollobrigida’s funeral. The presenter, a close friend of the landlord Alberto Matano and very close to the actress who died on Monday at the age of 95, called for the start of the show strong and direct allegations against a guest of the program, Countess Marisela Federici.

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The “guilt” of the nobles would have been that of having defined “tragicomic” the last part of the life of the “Bersagliera”, divided between an ex-husband who would now appear not so much as an “ex”, a son with whom relations were rather strained and an assistant, Andrew Piazzollawho has been accused on multiple fronts of taking advantage of the diva’s generosity.

Faced with Federici’s attitude, Mara felt compelled to speak her mind, with a rather unusual firmness for those who were used to seeing her at Domenica In: “I would like to understand more – she said – Marisela Federici’s attitude that he spoke of a tragicomic situation. Look, Marisela, maybe there’s nothing funny about this story it only makes you laugh, I see you laughing. I assure you it doesn’t make people laugh that loved Gina because we lived her for so many years, we did experienced the pain».

But the worst comes when, further (“And if Gina, with me, in the last interview she says ‘I want to die in peace’…”), Venier is interrupted by the Countess with a sarcastic word: “Yes, but do not Cry“. At this point, Aunt Mara blurted out, “I’m not crying at all, I am appalled at your cynicism. Yours is not the truth. What do you know when you stay at the mansion and make dinner, of truth, pain, suffering. What do you know about Gina as Andrea has been close to Gina over the years? i will find one for you very cynical woman in this situation”.

Matano intervened to try to make peace between the two women, but the clash wasn’t over. In fact, Federici added: “I don’t understand why you owe each other anything shake so much: Being with a person is different than having a guest on TV. I heard you and was close to you, dearest Mara, at the lunches where Gina told you about her intimacy». To which Mara angrily replied: “But whenever! You have never been there, little Marisa! But please: what do you say?” before abruptly hanging up.

The whole scene is visible here from minute 32.

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