1655543773 Man draws gun to other passengers on board to protect

Man draws gun to other passengers on board to protect pilot

Man draws gun to other passengers on board to protect

A suspected armed Air Marshal pointed his gun at a group of passengers after they allegedly tried to enter the cockpit to “talk to the pilot”. The video has only just appeared on the Internet, but the incident is said to have happened several months ago. The circumstances of the event are not yet known.

So far, it is known that the fight took place on board a plane operated by Jordan Aviation, because the company itself took to Twitter and said that the incident took place “several months ago”. In addition, it is known that most Jordanian airlines have an armed officer on international duty. Such a practice is also common in random flights by US airlines since 9/11 and by Israeli companies.

A Marshal de la #Royalairjordanian Protect the cockpit in full dispute with Nigerians…😳
Je me demande bien quelles sont les circonstances pour en venir à sortir une arme en cab ..🤔
.#Aviation #aviationdaily #aviationphotography

Video of Aviaconvenezolana (IG) pic.twitter.com/UFN45ctIO2

— GINIE SGY ✈️ (@GINIEJET11) June 16, 2022

In Jordan, the practice of keeping gunmen on board had its origins in the hijackings by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, which captured crews and passengers from five planes belonging to the defunct Pan Am, TWA, in the 1970s. Swissair and BOAC.

In the case of the video above, the plane was reportedly forced to deviate from its intended destination in Nigeria and land in a different city. Passengers on board the plane inexplicably wanted to speak to the captain but were prevented from doing so.

“Passengers attempted to reach the cockpit to speak with the flight commander, which is prohibited by law, but security guards from the Safety and Security Unit escorting the flight prevented him from reaching the cockpit,” Jordan Aviation’s statement continued away. The airline even threatened to sue anyone who spread false rumors about the incident.

Man draws gun to other passengers on board to protect

Managing Director MBA in Finance from FGVSP, he has been involved in aviation and aviation marketing issues for two decades. Great international experience and extensive experience in data analytics.