Luca Argentero and Cristina Marino’s second child was born

Luca Argentero and Cristina Marino are parents again: Today, February 17, 2023, their long-awaited and coveted second child was born after their eldest daughter Nina Speranza, who will be three years old in May.

The announcement of the happy event was made through the Instagram profile of the weekly Chi, which, according to its indiscretions, reports the name chosen for the little one: Noè Roberto. At the moment it’s quiet on the social profiles of the new parents, who will probably experience this very special moment in their lives in private.

Luca Argentero and Cristina Marino become parents to

Cristina Marino Luca Argentero’s second pregnancy was announced on Instagram with the photo and the caption “Me, you, Nina and a new light”. In an interview, the gender of the baby: “It’s official: it’s going to be male,” she revealed, adding only statements about the immense joy that sweet expectation brings. “I hope she falls madly in love with me. Because the love I see in Nina’s eyes when she looks at her father is something special,” the actress confided.

The protagonist of Doc – Nelle tue mani and entrepreneur active in the fitness world, founded the website Befancyfit in 2016 (for which she rejected her husband’s investment proposal). They have been married since 2021, but they have been related since 2016. Luca and Cristina got married in great secrecy on June 5, 2021. Few guests and maximum confidentiality also on social media, the news of the wedding was shared by the mayor of Città della Pieve, in the province of Perugia, in Umbria ( place of residence), who presided over the ceremony. The couple, who already had little Nina, had then left the historic center of the Umbrian city on board a sidecar to celebrate the wedding at a secret location.