Looking for reading material Get the index of books banned

Looking for reading material? Get the index of books banned in the west

Instead of following the advice of book bloggers or booktokers, let the valuable list that Giulio Meotti compiled in his latest brochure be your guide

Don’t search the profiles of book bloggers, booktokerns, bookssomething for lists of books to read, look for them in Giulio Meotti’s latest brochure about the end of freedom of expression in the West: “The New Barbarians” (Lindau). In the chapter “The new index of banned books” we talk about the classics that are gradually being banned or cleaned up in America and then in England and finally, ever closer to us, in different nations of continental Europe because they do not conform to the ideologies dominate now. Meotti from the very powerful archive, the relentless cataloger of Western cultural Alzheimer’s Aretino Giulio, points to many of them and among these I have selected eight: the Odyssey, the Bacchantes, the Divine Comedy (the fact that they have been subjected to censorship shows that Dante is really a right thinker…), the Canterbury Tales, Hamlet, Robinson Crusoe, Huckleberry Finn, the Negro of the “Narcissus”.

I would like to read or re-read at least a few of them. They would stimulate my mind as they would stimulate the mind of anyone who wanted to take advantage of them. Because these so-called racist or sexist masterpieces were written by brilliant personalities, while the new censors, like the authors they value, are impersonal, simple terminals of a suffocating collective behavior, like that of social insects or book bloggers, booktokers, bookssomethings.

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  • Camillo Langone

  • He lives in Parma. He writes in newspapers and publishes books: the latest is Excellent Painters. Today’s Italian artists to know, admire and collect” (Marsilio).