Listening to TV Thursday May 5 2022 62 million

Listening to TV | Thursday, May 5, 2022. 6.2 million for Don Matteo (31.5%) who pulverizes the Canale 5 film (1.5 million 7.9%). On Tv8 Roma Leicester at 8.5%

Don Matteo May 5, 2022

Magalli and Bova

Last night, Thursday May 5, 2022, the sixth episode of Don Matteo 13 6,282,000 viewers were involved, which is 31.5%. On channel 5 10 days without mom it garnered 1,554,000 viewers in front of the video, accounting for a 7.9% share. On Rai2 It never rains in Naples 658,000 viewers took part, which corresponds to a share of 3.2%. On Italy 1 Jason Bourne delighted 959,000 viewers (4.9%). On Rai3 Ladies in black it garnered 787,000 viewers in front of the video, accounting for a 3.8% share. On Rete4 Front and back side a total of 1,129,000 viewers with a 7.4% share (12-minute presentation: 837,000 – 3.8%). On Ba7 A clean hit it drew 823,000 viewers with a 5.5% share. The Conference League meeting on Tv8 Rome Leicester achieved 1,825,000 spectators with 8.5% (pre and long post race total: 739,000 – 4.2%). On Nov apocalypto it garnered 286,000 viewers at 1.6%. On 20 Punctual got 269,000 viewers with 1.3%. On Rai4 parasite recorded 177,000 viewers with 0.9%. About irises Heart of the Sea – The Origins of Moby Dick got 364,000 viewers with 1.8%. On Sky Uno the semi-finals of Beijing Express 9 achieved 347,000 viewers at 1.7% (442,000 cumulative viewers considering +1, replay and on-demand). On Sky Sport channels Rome Leicester marked 608,000 viewers and 2.8%.

Note: From May 1, 2022, due to the change in the scope of TV ratings measurement, the share of all programs and all channels will change upwards in direct proportion to the “usual number” (further explanation and information ).

Listen to TV Access Prime Time

In 5 million for the thousandth episode of Soliti Ignoti.

On Rai1 Soliti Ignoti – The Return it gathers 5,038,000 viewers with 23.1%. On channel 5 Strip off the news it averages 3,413,000 viewers with a 15.6% share. On Rai2 TG2 post got 772,000 viewers with 3.5%. About Italy1 NCIS – Crime Suppression Unit recorded 1,362,000 viewers with 6.4%. On Rai3 bangla it gathers 846,000 spectators (4.2%). A place in the Sun it drew 1,548,000 viewers (7.1%). On Rete4 Italy tonight It gathered 1,010,000 listeners (4.9%) in the first part and 798,000 viewers (3.6%) in the second part. On Ba7 Half past eight 1,666,000 viewers (7.7%) were affected. On Nov Deal with it – stay in the game attracted 323,000 viewers, up 1.5%.

Early evening

Well, the Avanti replicas are others that are growing.

On Rai1 The Legacy – The Challenge of the 7th achieved an average viewership of 3,041,000 (23.6%). The legacy it garnered 4,355,000 viewers (26.8%). Repeated on Canale 5 Come on to the first marked 2,190,000 viewers (18.1%) there Hand off affected 3,463,000 viewers (22.1%). On Rai2 Blue blood attracted 365,000 spectators (3.8%). The good doctor gathered 678,000 viewers (3.7%). About Italy1 Open Studio Mag collects 450,000 viewers with 3.2%. CSI Miami got 634,000 viewers (3.5%). On Rai3 the news from TGR They garnered 2,067,000 viewers with 12%. blob marked 870,000 viewers with 4.6%. On Rete4 love storm gathered 861,000 people to listen (4.5%). On Ba7 TGLA7 special it garnered 472,000 viewers (4% share). On TV8 master chef it gathers 230,000 viewers with 1.4%. On Nov cash or trash recorded 251,000 viewers with 1.4%.

daytime morning

Good result for Agorà Extra.

On Rai1 TG1 Exceptional Edition it garnered 861,000 viewers with 17.2%. Within the extraordinary edition of the TG1 of the 8, it informed 1,046,000 viewers with 19.9%. One morning wishes 804,000 viewers with 17.5% a good morning. The first part of Italian stories got 725,000 viewers (16.6%). On Canale5 the TG5 tomorrow marked 1,270,000 viewers with 24.1%. To keep track of the appointment Five messages tomorrow it entertained 959,000 viewers with 20% in the first part and 898,000 viewers with 20.6% in the second part (greetings: 884,000 – 20.2%). On Rai2 Radio 2 social club attracted 221,000 viewers with 4.7%. On Italy 1 dr a house reaches 137,000 viewers (2.7%) in the first episode and 167,000 viewers (3.7%) in the second episode. CSI:NY got 121,000 viewers (2.7%). On Rai3 TGR good morning region informed 687,000 viewers and 13.4%. agora convinces 370,000 viewers equal to 7.4% share. Following Additional agora attracted 359,000 viewers with 8.2%. On network 4 Danger has an average of 120,000 viewers (2.8%). On Ba7 omnibus reaches a rating of 127,000 viewers with 3.1% in the news and 216,000 viewers with 4.3% in the debate. Following coffe break informed 212,000 viewers, which corresponds to 4.9%.

During the day at noon

Sports Mediaset uphill.

On Rai1 the second part Italian stories it garnered 790,000 viewers with 15%. It’s always noon got 1,617,000 viewers with 16.3%. On channel 5 Forum reaches 1,492,000 viewers with 20.5%. On Rai2 your facts It gathers 668,000 viewers (11.4%) in the first part and 1,016,000 viewers (10.9%) in the second part. On Italy 1 CSI:NY got 169,000 viewers with 2.9%. Cooked and eaten – the menu marked 282,000 viewers and 3.5%. After OpenStudio, The island of the famous attracted 661,000 viewers with 5.7%. Sports media set got 798,000 viewers with 6.4%. On Rai3 elixir achieves 362,000 viewers with 6.9% (screening: 269,000 – 6.2%). That TG3 from 12 got 813,000 viewers (10.3%). how many stories it garnered 706,000 viewers (6.1%). past and present it affected 399,000 viewers at 3.2%. On Rete4 Carabinieri it delighted 133,000 viewers with 2.6%. After the news, the answer from The secret attracted 162,000 viewers with 1.6%. murder, she wrote received 640,000 (5.2%). On Ba7 The air that pulls it affects 309,000 viewers with a 5.6% share in the first part and 496,000 viewers with 4.9% in the second part called “Today”.

Daytime afternoon

Detto Fatto finished on the rise: 563,000 spectators and 6.2% (here Guaccero’s emotion).

On Rai1 Today is another day it attracted 1,635,000 viewers, which corresponds to 15.1% of the audience. The replica de Ladies paradise reached 1,418,000 viewers with 15.6%. After TG1 Economy (1,235,000 – 14.6%), Live the life it garnered 1,479,000 viewers (16.9%) in the presentation and 2,027,000 viewers (19.9%). On Canale5 Beautiful it wowed 2,456,000 viewers with 19.5%. one life convinced 2,342,000 viewers with a share of 20%. Following men and women reached 2,805,000 viewers with 27.6% (final: 2,176,000 – 23.9%). The time of day from friends it affected 2,078,000 viewers with 23%. The short strip of Island of the Famous it garnered 1,946,000 viewers with 23%. Brave and beautiful It garnered an average viewership of 1,706,000 viewers, accounting for a 19.7% share. afternoon five accompanied 1,645,000 viewers with 18.2% at the presentation and 1,801,000 viewers with 17.9% (greeting: 1,801,000 – 15.9%). On Rai2 14 o’clock reached 675,000 viewers with 5.9%. Said and done reached 563,000 viewers with 6.2%. Eurovision story it affected 170,000 viewers at 1.8%. On Italia1 the appointment with The simpsons It garnered 572,000 viewers (4.6%) in the first episode, 598,000 viewers (5.2%) in the second episode, and 459,000 viewers (4.2%) in the third episode. The cartoon family Guy it delighted 342,000 viewers with 3.5%. MagnumPI marked 308,000 viewers (3.4%) and 307,000 viewers (3.6%). NCIS Los Angeles it affected 364,000 viewers at 3.7%. On Rai3 the appointment with the news of TGR followed by 2,146,000 viewers at 17.4%. #Master involved 398,000 viewers equal to 4.1%. TG3 special marked 362.00 viewers with 4%. Waiting for Geo…collected 479,000 viewers with 5.5% (duration 11 minutes). Geo recorded 913,000 viewers with 8.8%. On Rete4 The forum desk followed by 749,000 viewers at 6.7%. TG4 – War Diary it gathers 451,000 viewers and 4.9%. On Ba7 Tagada interested 392,000 viewers with 4.1% (presentation: 425,000 – 3.7%, focus: 338,000 – 4%). On TV8 the film Cupid Hotel it garnered 207,000 viewers with 2.3%.

second evening

Exploit by Vespa, after Don Matteo and with Il Volo.

On Rai1 door to door followed by 1,221,000 viewers with a 16.2% share. On channel 5 TG5 night an average of 711,000 viewers came, which corresponds to a share of 6.7%. Following The house with the laughing windows marked 270,000 viewers and 5.9%. On Rai2 20s night achieves 193,000 viewers with 2.1%. On Rai3 Great love marked 700,000 viewers with 5.4%. to follow that Rg3 night line marked 359,000 viewers with 5.4%. About Italy1 Ale & Franz & Friends for Ukraine is seen by 474,000 viewers (6.3%). On network 4 slow tour was voted by 274,000 viewers with a share of 7.7%. On TV8 Uefa Third Half achieves 245,000 viewers and 3.2%.

news channel

1:30 p.m. 3,276,000 (26%)
8 p.m. 4,969,000 (25.9%)
1 p.m. 1,800,000 (15.1%)
8:30 p.m. 1,225,000 (5.9%)
2:25 p.m. 1,342,000 (11.6%)
19.00 1,622,000 (11.1%)
1 p.m. 2,780,000 (23.1%)
20.00 4,155,000 (21.3%)
12.25 hours 1,547,000 (11.5%)
18.30 522,000 (4.5%)
12.00 338,000 (4.5%)
6:55 p.m. 611,000 (4.1%)
1:30 p.m. 594,000 (4.7%)
8 p.m. 1,147,000 (5.9%)

Auditel data by bands (share in %)

RAI 1 21.22 17.57 16.19 17.71 16.37 24.29 26.2 24.98
RAI 2 4.79 2.92 6.81 9.47 5.45 3.45 3.91 2.36
RAI 3 6.65 10.45 7.19 8.64 5.07 8.94 4.78 4.69
RAI SPEC 5.93 6.66 7.92 5.28 7.41 5.78 5.08 5.26
RAI 38.59 37.61 38.1 41.11 34.3 42.46 39.97 37.3
CHANNEL 5 16.88 20.3 20.63 20.87 23.55 20.35 12.88 6.91
ITALY 1 4.66 2.57 3.08 6.15 3.55 3.62 5.12 5.6
NETWORK 4 4.78 1.03 2.44 4.86 4.73 3.99 4.99 8.01
MED SPEC 9.52 10.46 9.61 7.25 9.25 8.07 9.2 11.34
MEDIASET 35.85 34.35 35.76 39.12 41.08 36.03 32.2 31.85
LA7 + LA7D 5.22 4.11 5.82 4.72 4.82 4.58 6.02 6.15
SATELLITE 15.45 15.66 14.21 10.32 15.13 12.57 17.84 20.05
COUNTRY 4.89 8.27 6.11 4.73 4.66 4.36 3.97 4.65
OTHER NETWORKS 20.34 23.93 20.32 15.05 19.8 16.93 21.81 24.69

The island changes again away the teams back to free

1650562519 129 The island changes again away the teams back to free

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