Lets take care of those who help

Let’s take care of those who help

Our supervisors are at their wits end. Many crack.

The nurses, of course. But also the others, many others. Those who prevent and treat human suffering in all its forms in our healthcare system, in education, and in community groups.

(In this text, the feminine includes the masculine, because in the area of ​​”caring” women are in the majority. This is also true in many families when it comes to natural caregivers.)

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Have you noticed how few resources are available wherever people with heart are trying to make a difference?

It’s as if we expected their generosity and goodwill to make up for the lack of government investment in welfare programs, public services, and community organizations!

The needs explode. Nurses are called for help. They are given more responsibility but not the resources or time necessary to complete their mission. We push them to the end of the row.

Now not only those who are at risk fall, but also those whose job it is to keep others from falling.

It is the beginning of a domino effect that affects us all, directly or indirectly.

Exhaustion can be felt everywhere. Our social safety net has been falling apart for years. The situation is getting worse with demographic curve, labor shortage, inflation and emergence of new viruses like COVID.

We also know that the impacts of pollution and climate change on the health and well-being of populations will increase. Now is the time to work on prevention and adaptation.

But too few people think about it, struck by other emergencies.

In solution mode

Quebec obviously needs a lot more than a nice health minister like Christian Dubé to fix all of this. Possible federal transfers will certainly help, but they still need to be spent wisely.

All ministries and all levels of government have a role to play when it comes to health. Massive investment in our social safety net must be a priority.

Taking care of people beforehand prevents them from getting sick. Public health studies are clear: prevention costs MUCH less than cure.

Remember that the first social determinant of health is income.

The least affluent are those who face the greatest difficulties in eating healthily and finding adequate housing, which affects their health.

Food banks are not enough to meet the need, nor are organizations that help people with physical or cognitive disabilities and victims of violence. And what about homelessness?

In short, when we see everything that’s happening upstream, we better understand why our healthcare system is in this state.

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The challenges are obviously complex. But one thing is for sure, we need a vision that focuses on prevention and cares for the people who provide care throughout society.

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