1674150453 LEredita Flavio Insinna is angry what happened to him

L’Eredità, Flavio Insinna is angry: what happened to him

The news of the extension of Marco Liorni’s “Chain Reaction” quiz was not well received by the Legacy moderator: Here is his reaction

Published on: January 19, 2023 14:38:00Flavio Insina

Source: Rai Press Office

The news has been circulating for a few days: The next edition of Reazione a Catena will last until December, which will actually take another two months Flavio Insina. If indeed the quiz was originally conducted by Marco Liorni Aired exclusively in the summer, the excellent response from audiences in recent years has prompted Rai to give it more space. However, it seems that the conductor of L’Eredità did not take it well.

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Flavio Insinna “angry”

In fact, according to what the weekly Oggi revealed, Flavio Insinna would not be enthusiastic about the renewal of Reazione a Catena, which in fact confronts him with an indisputable fact: the greater success of Liorni’s quiz compared to his. The newspaper defines the conductor “furious” regarding the election of the top management of Viale Mazzini who have opted for it punish the game show that is currently airing Rai 1, by dividing 20223 exactly in half: six months for The Legacy and six for Chain Reaction. These are of course only the first rumours: No one, least of all Insinna, has commented publicly on the news. However, many consider the backgrounds revealed by Oggi to be plausible and reminiscent of the famous ones Fury of the moderator behind the scenes of Affari Tuo, brought to light by Striscia la Notia in recent years.

The Success of Chain Reaction

Anyway it is one finish line very important for Marco Liorni’s broadcast. Born as a summer quiz that only replaced L’Eredità from June to August, Reazione a Catena has slowly made its way into Rai 1’s schedules, capturing an ever-increasing segment of the public and establishing itself as one of the columns of the first channel. Thanks also to Marco Liorni, at the helm since 2019, who, with his irony and professionalism helped increase public affection for the program.

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