1661004741 Larissa Manoela matures and switches levels with the ending of

Larissa Manoela matures and switches levels with the ending of Beyond the Illusion

Silvio Santos was right a decade ago when he said Larissa Manoela’s natural destiny would be Globo. The actress, then playing Maria Joaquina in Carrossel (20122013), was already making an impact at Homem do Baú, although she wasn’t giving too many indications that her future was really bright. Now the 21yearold is reaping the rewards of her talent, and her debut on the leaderboard leaves no doubt: she’s moved up a notch.

First role as an adult in open television, since she was in a different phase of her life on SBT although the channel with the replays does not let us forget Larissa Manoela already had her development as an actress in films such as Airplane Mode ( 2020), Diaries of Interchange (2021) and Lulli (2021), on Netflix.

While the scripts were somewhat generic and the production underwhelming, all of these films made it clear just how much Larissa was no longer the girl from SBT’s soap operas. In Beyond the Illusion confirmation.

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In Globo’s six o’clock soap opera, the actress showed how emotional she is. Having grown up in front of the cameras, there really is no other way as SBT shows no signs of wanting to invest in adult soap operas, and even if it did, it would not have the conditions (or reason) to it to keep it on the channel.

Larissa Manoela’s transformation


In the Double Dose Air on SBT with Carrossel and Cúmplices de um Resgate (20152016), it is impressive how the role of Larissa in Além da Illusion makes her characters forget and not remember at all on Silvio Santos’ channel.

It is true that the young woman still carried some vices from her days as a child actress, but in her last moments she left no doubt about her development and her willingness to face new challenges, surprising her as an actress. It remains to be seen if there will be characters that live up to their standards. That’s just the beginning.

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Larissa was also cared for by Globo. For example, he did not play against each other with dramaturgy monsters such as Antonio Calloni and Malu Galli and guaranteed the bar at the top. It’s not for nothing that Beyond the Illusion is not only rated well by the cast, but also by story and production. There were 19 average points compared to 16.9 for the predecessor Nos Tempos do Imperador. An increase of about 12% in Ibope numbers relative to Greater SP.

Thiago Forato is a journalist, has been writing the Enfoque NT column since 2011, alongside articles and special reports on NaTelinha. Forato is also the author of the blog https://parlandodepalmeiras.com.br. Talk to him via email [email protected] or on Twitter, @tforatto

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