Justice mobilizes to find comedian Carlinhos Mendigo on the run

Justice mobilizes to find comedian Carlinhos Mendigo on the run for months


Carlos Alberto da Silva, Carlinhos Mendigo from Panico na TV, is missing and wanted by São Paulo police. The comedian was sentenced in February to jail for not only paying child support and answering the crime of homophobia, and remains at large.

Police searched for the comedian at two addresses: an apartment in Morumbi and another in Vila Conceição, but were unable to confirm his whereabouts. The judiciary continues to press the prosecutor’s office for accurate information on the comedian’s whereabouts. The information comes from the journalist Gabriel Perline from “IG”.

His arrest was ordered by the São Paulo Court in February 2022 after racking up a child support debt of more than BRL 90,000. The lawsuit is being filed by former stage assistant Aline Hauck, mother of the 11yearold. Hauck filed four lawsuits against the comedian, demanding payment.

Three years ago, São Paulo police launched an operation to arrest Carlos Alberto and surrounded a building in São Paulo’s South Zone where he would be hiding. At the time, he spoke to RecordTV and explained that he was not afraid of being arrested.

“How many times have I tried to be present? I have 27 police reports for breaching the two agreements I made with my child’s mother. I always paid to be able to prove it to the judiciary,” he said in an interview with “Cidade Alerta”.

According to RecordTV, the total debt is around R$700,000. In addition to the pension debt, the comedian was reported by the São Paulo State Ministry in October 2020 for prejudice and human rights abuses.

crimes of homophobia

Carlinhos Mendigo was subpoenaed by the judiciary to provide clarification on the practice of crimes of homophobia and transphobia. In October alone, two officers visited the comedian’s two homes in upscale São Paulo neighborhoods with letters urging him to speak out and set up a hearing where he must provide clarifications about his behavior and the opinions he has expressed on their social and Media Profiles.

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On October 4, Chief of Justice Robson Denis submitted a certificate giving the location of three properties registered as addresses for Carlinhos. Two of them are in São Paulo, one in Vila Nova Conceição and another in Cerqueira César. The third house is in Rondonópolis, in the interior of Mato Grosso, to which he is also called.

The letters were delivered on October 8th and 11th. He had five working days to contact the 3rd Criminal Court of the São Paulo Court to make an appointment for the hearing, but so far there is no record of his position.

The former member of Pânico drew the wrath of the LGBTQIA+ community after posting an abusive text on his Instagram profile in July 2020, saying he would rather be an orphan than the son of a transgender person, and even be “normal” only heterosexuals.