Juliana Didone says she had anorexia at age 11 I

Juliana Didone says she had anorexia at age 11: ‘I always thought I was fat’

Actress Juliana Didone, 37, said in an interview with the podcast Papagaio Falante that she suffered from anorexia as a preteen. It was at this time that she took her first steps in her modeling career, which she pursued before turning to acting.

“Anorexia makes you think you’re always fat. It’s terrible.” According to Juliana, the first symptoms appeared when she was between 11 and 12 years old. The actress believes that the pressure for the thin body, which was so common in the environment at the time, contributed to the development of the disease.

“When I started as a model, we were measured once a month. Sometimes I couldn’t get a job because of my hips [tamanho] 92 and it should be 90… You create some kind of crazy pattern. But I think it will be much better. [hoje em dia]we’ll see,” he says.

But the typical old age worries also favored the development of the disease. “[A anorexia] It’s more likely to happen among preteens and teenagers as they become more concerned with how others view you. As you get older you relax, you understand that imperfection is a part of everyone.”