Jonathan Roberge Hosts Totally Insane New Show Showbizznet

Jonathan Roberge Hosts Totally Insane New Show –

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Jonathan Roberge’s unbridled humor is coming soon to you in a new show on Unis TV called La guerre du web.

Each week, this one will welcome two artists who will face each other in a nice duel in which they will be invited to present the little pearls they have dug up on the internet. They’ll spice up their finds with succinct commentary to make the studio viewers laugh, which will determine the winner of the fight.

Contestants will not hesitate to annoy their rival by releasing inglorious photos or videos that the main prospects have forever believed in in the meanders of the Internet. All shots are allowed: even the host is not immune to some harsh jokes.

The war of the internet is a never-ending source of fun, content, and gags that hit the spot. But above all, they are performances by comedians who will do anything to make the audience laugh!

Among Jonathan Roberge’s guests in this first season are Rita Baga, Simon Boulerice, PA Méthot, Korine Côté, Martin Vachon, Marie-Soleil Dion, Pascal Morrissette, Phil Laprise, Jean-Thomas Jobin, Billy Tellier, LeLouis Courchesne and Daphne Letourneau.


The game show La guerre du web will be broadcast on Unis TV on Fridays at 10pm from February 17th.

The episodes will be available on TV5Unis after the TV broadcast.