Iza goes without a bra in one photo and followers

Iza goes without a bra in one photo and followers let off steam; see photos

clock iconPosted on 08/11/2022 at 10:50 am camera iconReproduction / Instagram @iza profile iconessay

Those who follow Iza on social media should be prepared for the singer’s devastating clicks. This is what happened this Wednesday (10th) in a publication by the artist on her official Instagram profile, where she sensualized and drove netizens crazy.

In the photos posted in front of the mirror, the singer forgone the bra by wearing a pink top that showcased the “hardness” of her breasts. It didn’t take long for the release to garner attention from internet users who weren’t stingy with praise.

“Most most,” commented one netizen. “Even if I were in the cold of Alaska my heart wouldn’t go cold for you,” wrote another. “Imagine opening the front and being like this,” joked another.

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