1660148652 Iva Zanicchi shot without a veil Its all the fault

Iva Zanicchi, shot without a veil: It’s all the fault of …

Iva Zanicchi was the protagonist of a social media mishap. In fact, the singer saw a very private photo appear on her Instagram profile, which had not been published by her. What happened? Iva Zanicchi explained that maybe someone was playing a bad prank on her…

Iva Zanicchi and a strange click Instagram. there Singer, Familiar face of Italian television, he suffered a mishap Social, where it is present with a profile Instagram very active where he likes to talk about himself and also talks to the younger audience. With 211,000 followers Iva Zanicchi She is very popular and likes to post photos and videos of her evenings.

It’s a shame that something happened in the last few hours that he didn’t expect at all. On Instagram, In fact, one was released photo “daring”, in which it can be seen Iva Zanicchi lying on the sofa while sleeping. To be one private recordingThe singer is not fully clothed. The photo made the rounds on social media before disappearing from the profile Iva Zanicchi: but what happened?

Iva Zanicchi: the message on Instagram


The publication of that photo, found in the mobile phone of Iva Zanicchiwas the work of a Hacker. It was there to reveal Singer who, after realizing what had happened, explained that someone had taken over her profile, maybe even to make her one to kid out bad taste. Not only, Iva Zanicchi explained that the photo it was found among the privates, but that’s how it was changed.

Also read: Iva Zanicchi vs. Baglioni: “Should he commit suicide with this cast?”

A decidedly not very nice gesture towards him Singer, who confessed that he had asked for the assistance of his staff to resolve this awkward situation, hoping it would not happen again:

you hacked me the phone and were booked private content, albeit modified, without my knowledge. I consider it one bad joke which hopefully won’t come back. Thank you to my colleagues for helping me recover my account.