Homemade Korean face mask to remove wrinkles from the face

Homemade Korean face mask to remove wrinkles from the face and moisturize the skin panorama

the Korean face masks always give fabulous results rejuvenate skin in a short time and with ingredients that are very easy to find. We know how important it is to: a wrinkle-free complexion and therefore we bring you a home remedies which you will love because your face will be smoother than ever and too you will hydrate if you have dry skin.

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Homemade Korean mask to remove facial wrinkles and moisturize the skin


  • 1/2 cup rice
  • 1 liter water
  • 1 cup milk from almonds
  • vitamin AND

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Type of preparation and use

Step 1

in one bowl Place the 1/2 cup rice and add water until covered. Rinse it very well to remove everything impurities and then add water again. Cover the container and place in the refrigerator overnight.

step 2

The next step is to strain the rice and add it to the blender along with 1 cup of almond milk to moisturize your skin. Mix the ingredients for 3 minutes and strain the result so that you only ingest the liquid.

step 3

put that fluid in one cooking pot and set it slow fire. Stir gradually and constantly until it becomes a thick mass.

step 4

When thick, remove and place in a bowl from Glass previously sterilized in a water bath. Let cool and add 3 drops of vitamin E after cooling.

Step #5

put that cream in them face Massage in with gentle massages and leave on for 30 minutes. Then rinse your face with lukewarm water.

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Before applying any natural ingredient to you face It’s important that you do an allergy test to make sure you won’t have any unwanted reactions fur.